After the recent health scare, I really thought those around me would Cherish these uncertain and unpromising days… But the day I came home from hospital, I would up back as the lonely ghost.. She who walks the halls and rooms of this house, stopping to clean, cook, feed animals and humans.. whilst being invisible…

Two decades deceased

Over and over the years roll by, The work, the pain, the exhaustion is “worth it” you tell yourself. The first decade of fighting, fighting to keep a house, ( a home for your children). Fighting to sustain 2, sometimes 3 jobs to keep the home, feed the kids, pay the bills.. Fighting health issues,…

An “Is it worth it” Day

Absolutely Cream Crackered after 3 very full on weekends of supporting fundraising events. All very worthwhile, and meaning a lot to me, but on occasion I rarely feel “Good” about any of it at all.. Today is one of those days when I doubt….. I function at Pain levels most people (myself included pre 2016…

Absolute Hell of a Day

My mum’s brother died this morning. My dog is literally on her last legs, but the vet is quibbling over prescribing pain meds coz they are expensive.. I pay for them so whats the bloody problem. A charity I’ve been supporting ( voluntary as a favour to a great friend) has taken the piss out…


it’s almost a year since my mum died ( 10th June )…And all the remembrance gardens, memory days, hashtags etc for those who have died from “c0vid” have completely ignored her and her elderly friends who died slow, painful, unnecessary deaths when they should have been protected…Am I angry..Duh!Should something be done?Yes!Will it?No – as…

A realisation today that made me cry

Today I was laying in bed ( woke up at 6am, still stuck in bed at 10.15 as legs just wouldn’t move properly), watching videos. When I stumbled across a video of one of the best days of my life. Sunday June 10th 2007 – George Michael concert at the new Wembley….. YES I WAS…

My weird and wonderful friends

I’ve become friends with 2 magpies, who I have named mama and papa. They have taken up residence in a chimney pot in a house a few doors down from mine and I’m happily feeding them every now and then. Its breeding season and I will hopefully soon be a “grandparent: to some Magpie grandchildren..…

Stop the world, I wanna get off.

It’s been ages since I’ve written. I’m trying so hard to not get depressed. In fact to many I’m overly calm and to some I am appearing quite weirdly unemotional considering everything I have going on. I know, they have told me so. I laugh it off, as always.. I use the ” This is…